How It Works2020-06-09T13:51:10-04:00


How long has 100 Women Who Care Cape Ann been around?2020-01-31T19:00:56-05:00

100 Women Who Care Cape Ann was established in May 2019.

How do I nominate a charity?2024-05-27T15:19:04-04:00

Simply go to our Nomination page and fill out the form.  Charities may be nominated by a 100 Who Care Cape Ann member, or may nominate themselves. All nominations must be received six weeks prior to the next meeting for consideration.  A charity is eligible for only one nomination; additional nominations do not increase the chance of a charity being chosen.

How much of my donation goes to the administration costs of 100 Women Who Care Cape Ann?2022-03-02T16:52:37-05:00

Zero. 100 Women Who Care Cape Ann is organized and operated entirely by volunteers. We have no bank account – because we don’t collect, spend or donate anything. All transactions go through our partner app, Grapevine and 100% of funds raised at a meeting go directly to the chosen charity.

Which charitable organizations are eligible for nomination?2023-03-16T18:23:09-04:00

A charity is eligible for nomination if it meets the following two criteria:

  • Based in, or serves the local population of, one of the Cape Ann communities: Gloucester, Rockport, Essex or Manchester
  • A registered 501(c)(3).
How often do you meet?2020-01-31T18:43:05-05:00

100 Who Care Cape Ann’s giving cycle is June 1 to May 31.  Our meetings are held 4 times a year, usually in July, October, January and April. Please check the RSVP tab for our next meeting.

Is membership limited to 100 women?2019-07-03T13:14:21-04:00

No! We would love to have more than 100 women attend, the bigger the group the stronger our donation as a team!

Can a charity nominate itself?2024-05-27T15:23:41-04:00

Yes! Please fill out our Nomination Form HERE.

How long do the meetings last?2019-11-01T11:39:49-04:00

We like to call them gatherings because they are more fun than meetings! The formal part of the gathering is 1 hour, from 6:00 to 7:00pm. But there is time to socialize before and after as the event runs from 5:30 to 7:30pm, and there is a cash bar.

How does 100 Women Who Care Cape Ann communicate with its members?2019-07-03T13:15:36-04:00

The website will have the most up to date info at all times. Members are emailed from info@100whocarecapeann.org. Please add this to your address book. If you change your email address, please let us know.

How are the three presenting charities chosen?2019-11-01T11:32:19-04:00

Nominated charities go into a “hat” and three charities are drawn at random for consideration at the next quarterly meeting, plus one alternate. For a list of currently and previously nominated charities, see our Impact tab.

What happens at each gathering?2019-07-03T12:50:26-04:00

5:30-6:00pm Registration/Check-In, receive voting ballot, and socialize

6:00-7:00pm Formal meeting:

  • Opening remarks
  • Update from previous event’s recipient charity (5 minutes)
  • Review voting process
  • 3 Presentations by Nominating Members for a charity (5 minutes each, no PowerPoint or handouts, followed by 5 minutes Q & A with charity staff)
  • Vote and tally results
  • Announce the recipient charity (by simple majority)
  • Take group photograph with the big check
  • Pick next 3 charity nominations out of the hat
  • Adjourn

7:00-7:30pm Socialize

What do you do with my personal information?2024-05-27T15:22:38-04:00

The charity recipient of 100 Women Who Care Cape Ann’s quarterly donation may receive a list of member donors and their email addresses, which the charity may use to thank members individually. A member may opt out of having her contact information shared with the charity by emailing info@100whocarecapeann.org. We will never share your email address or contact information with anyone except the grant recipient at the time of the grant.

How is the recipient charity selected?2023-03-16T18:27:33-04:00

One or two (maximum) representative(s) from each charity will give simple 5 minute presentations (no visual aides, Powerpoints, or handouts, please), followed by 5 minutes of Q & A. Each 100 Who Care Cape Ann member then votes, and the recipient charity is selected by simple majority. For a list of selected and previously nominated charities, see our Impact tab.

How do I donate?2022-03-02T16:48:31-05:00

Click below to donate!

Donations are made via Grapevine online.  100 Who Care Cape Ann does not administer any of the donations and does not retain any percentage.

What do I do if the charity I nominated is chosen to be presented at the next meeting?2020-06-08T13:40:08-04:00

If your nominated charity is picked out of our hat to be presented at the next meeting, you will be contacted by one of our organizers with the good news about 2-3 weeks before the meeting. The charity description that you submitted with your nomination will be put on our website as well as in the email that goes out to the membership announcing the 3 nominated charities.

You should prepare a 5 minute presentation describing why your charity should be chosen, what the charity would do with a $10,ooo+ gift, how it would impact the community, how many people would be impacted, etc. We ask that you do not bring any materials, handouts or visuals–your passion for the charity will speak for itself! A person timing you will subtly indicate when your 5 minutes is up.

There will also be an additional 5 minutes for members to ask you questions. You may answer the questions yourself, or you may bring a staff member from the nominated charity to answer the questions for you. Please remember that the second 5 minutes are not meant to be an opportunity to further “sell” the membership on the charity, and you or the staff member should stick to answering questions during this period.

May I give you a check instead of donating online?2024-05-27T15:16:50-04:00

We strongly prefer an online donation via credit card, but if you prefer you may bring a check to the meeting. Please leave the “Pay To” line blank; we will fill it in with the name of the winning charity and give it directly to them.

Is a nominated charity eligible for future nomination?2023-03-16T18:25:04-04:00

Charities that are not drawn from the hat will stay in the hat. Charities that present at a meeting but which are not chosen as a recipient of our $10K gift will go back in to the hat. Once a donation is made to a selected charity, that charity is not eligible for nomination for one year from the date of receiving a gift from 100 Who Care Cape Ann.

For a list of selected and previously nominated charities, see our Impact tab.

Is my donation tax deductible?2020-02-01T14:27:23-05:00

Yes, a tax deduction receipt from Global Impact will be received via email immediately after a member submits her online contribution, or every quarter when their recurring payment is completed. If a check has been submitted, this receipt will be mailed to you. Global Impact is our partner which collects donations and administers the grant to the chosen nonprofit recipient through its website, Growfund.

What if I cannot attend an event?2024-05-27T15:17:33-04:00

If a member cannot attend an event, she may donate online and submit her vote for one of the three nominated charities 24 hours prior to the meeting to vote@100whocarecapeann.org.

What if my company offers matching donations?2019-06-06T13:58:24-04:00

When a charity recipient is chosen, a donor may organize a matching donation with her organization. She should contact her organization for further details.

Can I just send the donation to the charity myself?2019-07-03T13:00:58-04:00

You can always donate more to a charity separately on your own, but for the purposes of 100 Who Care Cape Ann, we make one big donation as a group. To make a big impact we want to give $10,000+ dollars!

Can I bring a friend to a meeting?2019-07-03T13:03:55-04:00

Of course — the more the merrier! She may attend as a guest, but if she wishes to vote for a charity, we’ll ask her to become a member by DONATING.

What about men?2019-06-29T16:30:00-04:00

There is a 100 Guys Who Care Boston group. Check out their web site to learn more.

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